Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Hello everybody? How are you today? Are you fine? I hope you are always fine and blessed by Allah.Aamiin…
Now I will post my vacation last year, this is too late to tell you, but maybe this is can be inspire you to spend your holiday next time.
This is post will show how beautiful Lamaru beach! Do you know where is The Lamaru beach?
The location of Lamaru beach at Balikpapan regency, Province of East Kalimantan, Indonesia . For exactly location I’m very2 sorry because I’m also didn’t know where is it, because this holiday without a plan, my uncle bring me to this beach immediately for spend my last visited at Kalimantan. More information this beach, you can search in google or ask question to your friends who lived at Kalimantan.
Lamaru beach is the one of beautiful beach which I had ever visited. This beach look very beautiful when the beach was ebb(surut), like as desert(gurun). Many seaweed, coral and the snail(keong) which is can find easily at foreshore(tepi pantai) when the sea was ebb.This is the picture of Lamaru beach which I took from my digital camera.
Picture in this below is my uncle was catching a blue crab which caught in the nets of fisherman, he caught about five or six of crab. Unfortunately my old sister, his finger was jaws by a crab until his finger bloody when she was catching a crab
And this is picture which search seaweed and snail:
At Lamaru Beach there was flying fox and plane(I don't know the exactly name)
That all about Lamaru beach,still many picture that yet to posted,because my internet connection is very slow.So I think it is enough, Thanks and Bye....
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb..